2nd ESO

1st Term 

    Dates: Fitness & Health tests will be completed during the second week of Novemeber. Be ready! Theoretical exam will be about  the Handball notes and it will take place 7 days after the theoretical session in the classroom. Deadline for the Reflective Form is November 16th.

2nd Term

Dates: Exam will be about  notes for the exam and it will take place 7 days after the theoretical session in the classroom. The home assignment is the Acrosport quiz (deadline will be announced in class).

3rd Term

  • Home assignment: explain in 2-3 slides about a traditional game you've done some research about. The game must relate to one of the countries you worked on during the first evaluation term (English-Social Science project). Insert those slides in the final project you will present in the Tourism Event.
  • Final Reflective Form

    Dates: Exam will be about  Baseball notes  and it will take place 7 days after the theoretical session in the classroom. The home assignment is the infographic about a traditional game (deadline will be announced in class).


    Those students whose final average mark of the grade isn't 5 or higher will have an extra opportunity in June. Click here to check it out.